We also had mojitos. Didn't photograph those, but they were alsome. Unfortunately, you can't tell by looking how good the grilled tuna and macadamia-crusted snapper at Tommy Bahama are. You'll just have to try for yourself.
Jennifer got me tickets to see "Equus." It was pretty intense and I enjoyed it enormously. Funny thing: I was always told that word was pronounced eck-wee-us. WTF? In the play that say it eck-wuss. Makes much more sense.
Ha ha! Just kidding! Actually, I did see some monumentally bad parking jobs in Florida. But this is supposed to be a sculpture. There was also an ENORMOUS tooth across the street, but I was just holding the camer up to the window and shooting as I drove. So I took a picture of a minivan instead. I didn't want to end up part of this sculpture.
I don't know if the reindeer on top of this giant ice-cream cone is in honor of Christmas, and the stand went out of business in a recent December, or if it, like the hungry polar bear stalking the jungle gym, is just part of the polar theme. Whatever. It was an awesome vista. I spotted this moments after I spotted a streetwalker who looked to be about the same vintage as my parents. It is Florida, after all.
The room was somewhere between fancy and seedy, but very comfortable. The door didn't really seem to close properly, the AC was noisy and the phone didn't work. But there was deluxe furniture, a massive whirlpool tub and a special wine-chilling fridge. Bizarre, but in a sort of awesome way.
I took this about a month ago, maybe more. Mom sent me flowers when I was sick for maybe the 3rd time this winter. They were mad pretty. Here's a tulip.